Figyelmeztetések, Carnarvon

Fire danger

5. 4. de. 9:31 9:31 – 5. 4. du. 4:59 16:59

Veld Fire Conditions Conditions are such that the FDI index is above 75. Under these conditions fires may develop and spread rapidly resulting in damage to property and possible loss of human and/or animal life. Fire teams, labour and equipment are to be placed on stand-by. A first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time.



5. 4. de. 9:32 9:32 – 5. 4. du. 4:59 16:59

Damaging Winds Localised damage to settlements (formal and informal). Localised loss of agricultural production. Localised reduced visibility due to dust storms. Risk of localized runway fires. Localised problems for high-sided vehicles on prone routes. Tie down vulnerable structures and equipment. Keep driving speeds slower and do not speed in order to maintain maximum control over vehicles during the time. High sided vehicles must take extra care when driving on the major roads within the area under consideration. Fire teams should be on high alert for when a veld fire breaks out.


A következő 24 óra

Világ időjárása ma

Legmelegebb és leghidegebb

Min Max

Saját időjárás


Időjárás: Northern Cape